European Funds Unit - Internal Security Fund 2021-2027

The ISF is the continuation of the financial instrument "Internal Security Fund - Police Cooperation" of the Programming Period 2014-2020. The ISF was set up to contribute to a high level of security in the EU, in particular by preventing and combating terrorism, radicalisation, serious and organised crime, corruption and financial crime, Cybercrime, as well as combating trafficking in drugs and Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) by assisting and protecting victims of crime, and by preparing for, protecting against and effectively managing security-related incidents, risks and crises.

The Fund pursues the following specific objectives:
1. Improvement and Facilitation of information exchange
To improve and facilitate the information exchange between and within competent authorities and relevant bodies, services and organisations of EU, and also with third countries and international organisations to act as below:
• Creation, adjustment and maintenance of the ICT systems and relevant education, trials as well as improvement of interoperability and quality of the aforementioned systems.

2. Improvement and strengthening of cross-border cooperation
To intensify cross-border cooperation, including the common business, among the competent authorities in relation to terrorism and adverse and organised crime with cross-border dimension acting as below:
• Coordination improvement and cooperation strengthening across Member States, and also along with other relevant factors, e.g., through networks of specialised national units.

3. Capacities strengthening for preventing and fighting against crime, terrorism and radicalisation, as well as the management of security-related incidents
To support the strengthening of capacities for preventing and fighting against crime of terrorism and radicalisation, as well as the management of incidents, risks and crises that are security-related, among others through the increased cooperation between the public authorities, the concerned bodies, services and organisations of EU, the society of citizens and private corporations in different Member States acting as below:
• Equipment, transportation means, communication systems and facilities that are related to security.
• Improvement of resilience that deals with emerging threats like human trafficking through online channels, chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threads etc.
• Awareness and communication actions between interested parties and audience related to the EU security policies.

a. EU Acquis
• The RoC based on the Accession Act in 2003 is committed to fully applying the Schengen acquis. The preparation for its full accession into the Schengen Area is still in process and there are still needs to be covered. The Programme will be used to accommodate any Schengen Evaluation with financial implications that may be issued to CY.

b. Cyprus's Aims
Based on the national and EU strategic priorities, progress of actions implemented in PP2014-2020, the Schengen evaluations and gaps identified, CY aims to achieve the following:
• Improve the exchange and enhance the analysis of information capabilities with other MS, Europol and/or third countries, including through the implementation of recommendations from relevant evaluation mechanisms, such as Schengen Evaluation.
• Improve coordination and cooperation of competent authorities as well as EU LEAs.
• Strengthen cross border cooperation in relation to crime with MS and neighboring third countries.
• Ensure continuous training of Police officers and other relevant staff, in close coordination with CEPOL, with a view to avoiding duplication and maximizing synergies.
• Enhance operational capacity in order to become more effective and compatible to the latest standards.

The Regulations of the new Funds were adopted by the competent institutions of the European Union (Council of the EU, European Commission and European Parliament) on 15 July 2021. Following the practice of the Programming Periods 2007-2013 and 2014-2020, each Fund has its own multiannual Programme. In general, the projects shall be implemented mainly through shared management with a maximum contribution of 75% by the European Union (other than some specific cases where the percentage may be up to 100%), while 25% shall be paid by national resources. The new Programme for Cyprus for the ISF was approved on January 11, 2023. .

Watch the videos prepared by the European Commission for the new funds at the Home Affairs Funds' videos link and read more about the new Programming Period 2021-2027 in the presentation on ISF made by the European Funds Unit at the Sixth Monitoring Committee of the Home Affairs Funds 2014-2020 on 30/11/2021.