European Funds Unit - Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2021-2027

Evaluation Plan

Based on article 44(5) of the Common Provisions Regulation (EU) 2021/1060, the Member State or the Managing Authority shall draw up an evaluation plan which can cover more than one programme. For the AMIF, the ISF and the BMVI, the said plan shall include a mid-term evaluation to be completed by 31 March 2024. Apart from this specific article, a relevant provision is included in the special Regulations of the Home Affairs Funds of the 2021-2027 programming period and more specifically: in article 17 of the Regulation on the AMIF (EU) 2021/1147, article 14 of the Regulation on the BMVI (EU) 2021/1148 and article 14 of the Regulation of the ISF (EU) 2021/1149.

Main objectives of the Evaluation Plan
The Evaluation Plan is associated with the implementation of the 2021-2027 Home Affairs Funds Programmes and is a key strategic document, as it can determine the strategy for the evaluation of the Programmes, including information on the planned evaluations, the time and type of the evaluation, the methodological approach, data needs and availability, the required resources, as well as the responsibilities of the involved parties in the design, the implementation and the use of the evaluations and their results. At the same time, it is an important document for the Programmes, as it ensures the smooth implementation of the evaluation work required within the framework of implementation of each Programme, thus enhancing transparency and the dissemination of the results towards all stakeholders and decision-makers.

This document presents the objectives and the framework of the Evaluation Plan, as well as the main features of the planned evaluations.

Evaluation Plan_Home Affairs Funds Programmes 2021-2027.pdfEvaluation Plan_Home Affairs Funds Programmes 2021-2027.pdf

Mid-term Evaluation of the 2021-2027 Home Affairs Funds Programmes

The main objective of the mid-term evaluation is to inform the national authorities, the European organisations, the stakeholders and the general public whether the approved Programmes of the Home Affairs Funds:
• contribute to the achievement of the objectives of each Fund respectively, according to the regulatory framework
• contribute to ensuring the objectives set at a reasonable cost
• provide the appropriate support to meet evolving needs
• provide added value of the European Union and cohesion with other funding sources or ways of operation

Mid-tem Evaluation Report_AMIF_30.4.24.pdfMid-tem Evaluation Report_AMIF_30.4.24.pdf

Mid-term Evaluation Report_BMVI_30.4.24.pdfMid-term Evaluation Report_BMVI_30.4.24.pdf

Mid-term Evaluation Report_ISF_30.4.24.pdfMid-term Evaluation Report_ISF_30.4.24.pdf