The organized state is the supreme structure of the Democratic Society created to plan and prepare actions important to the citizen, actions that influence his ability to secure his equality and rights at every moment even under unforeseen and emergency conditions.
This role of the state as a servant of Democracy led modern societies to prepare, at significant cost, plans that will make possible a swift response if an unforeseen event forces a radical change in plans, when social life changes dramatically. No one knows when an earthquake may strike, no one knows if and when a meteorite will hit the earth – yet there are states that make plans even for these eventualities.
We faced the 1974 disaster without any plans – except military ones. Half of the population in Cyprus was forcibly displaced, social life disintegrated, the economy was shattered. Suddenly there was an increased need for housing, for school buildings and creation of new jobs – and these were probably the least of evils.
The citizens reacted conscientiously and undertook the burden with hard work abroad.
Nevertheless pressure and lack of a plan have left scars on our towns. Our towns, both in the free and occupied areas, carry serious wounds in the quality of their development since they were forced to accept decisions that sometimes were unplanned, sometimes illegal under the pressure of time and pain, the pressure of the illegal occupying force.
Our state has taken the decision to look to the future and plan its actions in accordance to its aim never to fall behind.
Since we work towards a solution of the national problem we understand that such a day will constitute an overturning of everyday routine and a new planning of our society. There is no room for surprises even if the behaviour of the occupiers disappoints us we need to show endurance and get prepared: our courage is our own responsibility.
This planning, spanning over the whole of Cyprus is at the same time the highest form of demanding what is our right: we did not forget and we shall not forget. Through our preparedness we safeguard the dignity of the long suffering and ill treated citizen, we safeguard public wealth from the plundering of sloppiness and careless improvization.
The very time we are ill treated and disappointed we have the duty to plan and work because we belong to a demanding society, because we form a well organized and ordered STATE.
Nicos Mesarites
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