European Funds Directorate

The Rules of Procedure of the Monitoring Committee for the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, which was approved during the 1st meeting of the Monitoring Committee on 27 May 2017, sets out, upon decision of the Minister of Interior dated 27 April 2016, the composition of the Committee (Article 4 of these Rules of Procedure), as follows:


Head of the European Funds Unit of the Ministry of Interior

Members with voting right
The members of the Committee are the heads or representatives of the following bodies:

(a) Competent Ministries

    Ministry of Justice and Public Order
    Ministry of Interior
    Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance
    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth
    Ministry of Health
(b) Other competent public authorities
    Directorate General of European Programmes, Coordination and Development (European Social Fund)
    Office of the Commissioner for Volunteerism and NGOs
    Office of the Commissioner for Administration and Human Rights
    Asylum Service
    Aliens and Immigration Service, Cyprus Police
    Social Welfare Services
    Civil registry and Migration Department
(c) Competent Local Authorities
    Union of Cyprus Municipalities
    Union of Cyprus Communities
Members without voting right
    Directorate General of Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
    Treasury of the Republic of Cyprus
    Audit Service of the Republic of Cyprus
    Internal Audit Service

Rules of procedure of the Monitoring Committee AMIF 2014-2020 - EL.pdf

Proceedings of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund Monitoring Committees