Agence pour un Développement Durable asbl
The “Sustainable Development Agency” (In French, “Agence pour un Développement Durable”) is born in 1992 out of an initiative led by citizens that are concerned by the future of our Society and deeply interested by the work developed under the Brundtland report within the United Nations. In 1994, the administrators of the “association de fait” have legally registered the agency under the “Belgian Moniteur” as a “non profit organisation”.
The S.D.A. has European and international vocation. It aims to support, develop but also implement the concept of sustainable development. Since 1993, it has been successfully developing pilot projects under different European programmes as Leonardo, Youth, INTERREG and Life. It is a partner providing to local, regional, national and European authorities but also other NGO and private actors various expertises in the area of sustainable development. Deeply involved in the European Construction, it assists public and private stakeholders in developing successful European funded projects.
SDA provides expertise in the sectors of environment, economy, social and culture. The Agency has been since its creation developing and transferring innovation at the service of a more sustainable Society: a) development of the concept of Social Economy; b) improvement of educative tools for professional education; c) development of the “Street Sports and Expressions” concepts; d) development of the concept and operation “Cultural Diplomacy for a Sustainable Europe” (In cooperation with the UN International Youth Camp 2003, it has been extended as “Cultural Diplomacy for a Sustainable Planet”). It implemented projects related to local and regional development, land use and urban planning, nature and cultural heritage conservation. |