The project aimed at the widest application of the indicator system and GIS tool in the spatial planning decision-making process. The dissemination strategy therefore sought to dispense information and expertise to the widest possible range of stakeholders. The dissemination plan included several awareness raising and training events. These aimed to prepare potential users in:
· Becoming familiar with the concept of sustainability with regard to spatial planning and the territorial aspects of urban development
· Understanding the nature and use of indicators
· Reading and applying methodology sheets and metadata forms
· Evaluating and interpreting indicator information
· Entering data, viewing maps and results, and exporting reports from the URBANGUARD GIS tool
In addition, informative material was prepared for dissemination to interested stakeholders and the general public, while the URBANGUARD website, already created in basic form, will continue to be upgraded and updated, providing an access point with relevant details to interested parties worldwide. Finally, a closing conference was held in December 2006, where stakeholders and planning professionals, environmentalists and decision-makers were invited to learn about the project, its achievements and the GIS tool.