Complaints from an employer against an employee, third country national, for abandonment of the place of residence and employment or, from a third country national employee against the employer regarding violation of the terms of the employment contract, should be submitted to the Police Aliens and Immigration Unit. A report should be filled in with the details of the third country national or the employer accordingly, which is stamped and then handed over to the two parties in order to submit the complaint at the respective District Office of Labour. The complainant may submit the complaint in person or if he/she wishes with his/her lawyer. The submission of complaints only by lawyers or per fax are not accepted.
Subsequently, the complaints concerning labour issues will be forwarded to the Department of Labour Relations, which will be responsible for examining the labour dispute that has arisen between the two parties. The Department of Labour Relations examines the labour dispute and informs the Civil Registry and Migration Department in order to take a final decision regarding the aliens’ residence in the Republic. The Civil Registry and Migration Department informs the employer about the decision, as well.
Complaints that require further investigation will be forwarded to the Police.