European Funds Unit - Internal Security Fund 2021-2027

Based on a system of decentralised management of a large part of its budget, the European Commission grants European funds to the Member States with the aim of supporting them to implement the policies and priorities of the Union. In the context of the programming period 2021-2027, the European Commission funds a huge range of activities, that include, among others, the management of migration, the protection of the external borders and the ensuring of member states’ internal security.

These resources are used through the implementation of multi-annual development Programmes by the competent authorities of each Member State, called “Managing Authorities”.

The Programmes’ preparation is based on the strategic guidance of the Union, as well as on the priorities of each Member State, which are approved by the European Commission.

Subsequently, the Managing Authorities, under the supervision of the European Commission, are responsible for the coordination of the involved national Bodies in order to implement effectively the aforementioned Programmes and the projects co-funded under them.

The selection of the projects to be implemented under each Programme is based on the priorities of the Ministries and other national Bodies of each Member State, taking into account:
• the eligibility and the necessity of the projects
• the European Commission’s recommendations
• the available resources’ amount.

The Managing Authorities award the implementation of co-funded projects either with direct awarding, wherever the nature of the projects falls exclusively within their competence (de jure monopoly), either through Calls for Proposals, wherever the direct awarding does not apply.

Potential beneficiaries under the ISF funding instrument are the relevant public bodies who hold a de jure responsibility to form and regulate the policy of Cyprus regarding the areas covered by the Fund.
• Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth
• Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• Ministry of Health
• Ministry of Interior
• Ministry of Justice and Public Order
• Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance
• Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare
• Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy
• Law Office of the Republic
• Judicial Service
• Cyprus Civil Defence
• Cyprus Fire Service
• Cyprus National Addictions Authority
• Civil Registry and Migration Department
• Cyprus Police
• Police Criminalistic Service Department
• Police Crime Combating Department
• Police Crime Combating Department (European Union & International Relations Sub-Directorate & International Police Cooperation Sub-Directorate)
• Police Cybercrime Subdivision, Crime Combating Department
• Police Drug Law Enforcement Unit
• Police Emergency Response Unit
• Police Information Technology Department
• Semi-governmental organisations (e.g. Youth Board of Cyprus)
• Academic and research institutions

For transparency purposes, all projects approved for funding by the European Union are published on the website of the respective Programme.

By the Decision of the European Commission C(2023)293 the 2021-2027 Programme for the Internal Security Fund (ISF) was approved on January 11, 2023.


Proposal to the Council of Ministers for the approval of the Home Affairs Funds Programmes

Approval by the Ministry of Finance of the Home Affairs Funds Programmes

Council of Ministers Decision no. 95.252 for the Approval of the Home Affairs Funds Programmes

Available only in Greek.