Civil Defence

EU Civil Protection Mechanism

The EU Civil Protection Mechanism that was established in 2001 and revised in 2007 was an important initiative at European level. The Mechanism provides a frame of cooperation and assistance in emergency cases and can be activated both within and outside the Union. It promotes the cooperation between the member states of the EU in the civil protection field and supports the efforts of the member states in national, regional and local level, providing effective “tools” for the prevention, preparedness and confrontation of natural or manmade disasters. Every country that has been hit from major disasters can request assistance from the Civil Protection Mechanism. The Civil Defence Force is the body of the Cyprus Republic through which international aid is claimed or provided.

The functioning of the Mechanism is supported mainly by:
    · Emergency Response Coordination Center – ERCC,
    · Common Emergency Communication and Information System – CECIS,
    · The databases (Rescue Modules, Civil Defence Modules, and TAST Modules) with the available sources and
    · The Training Programme and the Exchange of Experts Programme
