Republic of Cyprus
Asylum Service

Useful Information


What is the Assisted Voluntary Return

(AVR) Programme?

The AVR is a return assistance programme offered to asylum seekers and migrants without a legal right to reside in Cyprus. It aims to provide assistance to those

who are willing to return voluntarily to their home countries in an organised, safe and digni ed manner.

As a returnee under the voluntary return Cyprus programme, you are eligible for cash assistance provided by the Return Oce of the MOI to help you get started once you go back to your home country. The cash grant ranges vary between nationalities and country of origin.

AVR programme includes:

Non-binding and individual counselling which is free of charge.

Assistance in making a well-informed decision.

The protection of the returnees.

Returning home in a safe and digni+ed manner.

Organisational support.

Provision of a considerable amount of cash.

Who is eligible?

Asylum seekers with a pending asylum application.

People who have withdrawn their asylum application.

People whose asylum application has been rejected.

People whose appeal to the Administrative Court of In-

ternational Protection has been rejected.

Any migrant not registered with the Government of

Cyprus and without a right to stay.

The AVR programme service will:

explain your return options through counselling;

help you obtain travel documents, if necessary;

assist with travel arrangements to the +nal destination;

provide any other type of pre-return assistance;

pay for all travel expenses;

offer assistance during departure at the airport;

offer +nancial assistance, in cash, prior to departure to

the country of origin.

The actual process of the AVR


Step 1 : Visit one of the counselling centres located in all Districts of the country, as well as the “Pournara” First Reception Centre or contact one of the return programme counsellors to discuss your options. You can also book an appointment by sending an email to You can talk in-depth about the process of voluntary return and the possibilities for support that are available to you, based on your residence status and nationality. This will ensure that you make a well-informed decision.

Step 2 : Fill in the declaration form, which can be provided by the counsellor or can be found on the Ministry of Interior website.

The counsellor may provide you with assis- tance in +lling in the declaration form. At this point, it may be helpful to inform the counsellor about any medical condition, so as to be dealt with accordingly. The infor- mation provided will facilitate the process for your convenience.

Step 3 : In case you encounter diculties with your travel documents, please notify the coun-sellors and the AVR programme will proceed

to all necessary arrangements.

Step 4 : With the assistance of the counsellor, you will be informed about the !ight options

and the details of your journey.

Step 5 : The AVR programme will cover all travel ex- penses and provide you with the !ight con-rmation, as well as practical information regarding the journey.

Step 6 : On the day of the !ight, a dedicated staff member/voluntary return ocer will be wait- ing for you at the airport to assist you with check-in and help you with custom formali-

ties. At this point, right before departure, you will receive +nancial assistance for the journey, in cash.

Reintegration Support

People who wish to return to their home country may be eligible to benet from reintegration assistance as offered by one of the reintegration partners. Reintegration partners offer a variety of reintegration packages, divided into post- arrival (3 days after the travel), and post-return (up to 12

months) assistance.

Post-Arrival Assistance

• Airport pick-up or reception at place of arrival

• Temporary accommodation

• In-country travel assistance

• Referrals for urgent medical care

• Special assistance for vulnerable people after arrival

Post-Return Assistance

• Business start-up assistance

• Long-term housing support

• Social, legal and medical support

• Job placement assistance

• Schooling

• Language training

Assisted Voluntary

Return (AVR)


Ministry of Interior

Republic of Cyprus

PIO 238/2022-2.500

Published by the Press and Information Office, Republic of Cyprus

Ministry of Interior

Republic of Cyprus

The project is co-funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of

the EU and the Republic of Cyprus.

Solidarity, Progress, Prosperity

European Union

Contact information:

Ministry of Interior

Return Oce, Ministry of Interior

1453 Lefkosia

Tel.: 22308759


Civil Registry and Migration Department

90, Arch. Makarios III, 1077 Lefkosia

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Cyprus Web Portal

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