European Funds Unit - Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2021-2027

The European Commission, through Chapter III "Visibility, transparency and communication" (Articles 46-50) and Annex IX of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 June 2021 laying down common provisions (CPR ), defines the framework within which the publicity and communication strategy of the Managing Authorities, as well as of the Beneficiaries of co-financed projects, must be included. The basic principle of the 2021-2027 Programming Period is the existence of a single approach to publicity and communication between the European Funds in all the Member States, with the primary obligation to maintain a single visual identity by using only the emblem of the European Union to present the support from the Union.

Through the Programme of each Fund, the Member States and their Managing Authorities can adapt their communication strategy to their own needs, always respecting the guidelines of the European Commission.

The communication strategy of the Managing Authority of the Home Affairs Funds in Cyprus is described in Part 7 of the AMIF, BMVI and ISF Programmes, entitled "Communication and visibility".

In Part 7 of the Programmes, the following parameters of the communication strategy of the Managing Authority are defined:

      - the target audiences,
      - the communication channels,
      - the planned budget and
      - the indicators for monitoring and evaluation.

In this context, the Managing Authority has prepared a Publicity and Communication Guide for Project Beneficiaries of the Home Affairs Funds 2021-2027. The objectives of the Guide are the following:
      - Codification of the Beneficiaries' obligations.
      - Support of the Beneficiaries in relation to the correct implementation of these obligations.
      - Simplification of communication and publicity rules.
      - Achieving a coherent visual identity throughout the Union.
The Publicity and Communication Guide is an integral part of the Grant Agreements and its content is binding on all Beneficiaries implementing projects under the Home Affairs Funds.

Available only in Greek.